Free applications and modules for websites

Connect the free fare and use applications and modules for websites free of charge. Free tariff is not limited in time, but often has limitations for solutions. Free applications and modules at this rate - the perfect solution for getting started with the service.

Set Free

Widgets for your site FREE

Use the ready-made widgets for professional site, quickly connecting them to their site. Control settings and information, and to attract new customers!

Application Virtual fitting - showroom FREE

Open the virtual fitting room online! Even free tariff will open up great opportunities for the use of the module. Your users will be able to try on your proposed model for yourself or your interior. You can measure almost everything!

Mobile application - create a FREE

Coming Soon! Create a mobile application in a few clicks. For you - the designer of mobile applications. On the free plan you can easily create a mobile application and download the app!

360 view and 3D models FREE

Coming Soon! 3D Product view - it is very convenient, it's not always the same picture can show certain advantages of the product. Connect service on site for free. Now, the user can rotate the item from all sides, will stop anywhere and see the details.

And other services with a set of free applications and modules for websites and online stores.

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How to connect free tariff

Sign up for your personal account. You only need to select and enter the username and password.

Enter the domain of your site. Put on your site code to connect to the service. For most solutions such code is placed once.

Enter your personal account in the settings of the selected solution, available on the free tariff. Solutions can be configured in a few minutes.



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